Our Authentication Process
Top-end forensic science lab methods include non-destructive ink analysis, which involves scanning the ink with ultraviolet or infrared light to record its spectrum, that is, the wavelengths of light it absorbs. Another method used in our labs is high performance liquid chromatography (hplc). Hplc involves injecting the ink sample onto a long thin metal column that is then washed over with a mixture of solvents, carrying the ink components one at a time to an electronic detector. These methods detect auto-pen, facsimile, stamps and false signatures that do not correspond with the relevant time period of the signed article.
After your item has passed the stringent lab tests and deemed authentic by our lab technicians, your item will be assigned a Neoautographs SERIAL which is unique to your item. This unique code will be attached to your item and stored in our database for future references.
The signature is then cross referenced in our unique database of authentic signatures that contains over 100,000 autographs and then the signatures are computer matched in order to examine for common characteristics within the range of signature flow, angle, style and spontaneity.
A tamper-resistant hologram with your matching unique ABC Memorabilia ID will be placed on your Certificate Of Authenticity. This prevents fraud and ensures that your article and it's documents of authenticity will always remain a verifiable pair.
Certificate Of Authenticity
● Unique ID Number which matches the unique number on security Hologram label
● Unique Hologram with Numbering & Golen leaf Sticker
● Date of Authentication of item
● Detailed description of item
● Professional conclusion on lab result and opinion
● Velvet Case packing with gold lettering
● Security Sealed sticker with Unique Number & Barcode